What is the fever and what do I need to do when my child has one?
Fever starts at 100 F. A fever is not a “disease”. It is a body’s reaction to infection.
If child of any age has a fever and is acting very ”sick” (lethargic, irritable, inconsolable), if fever is accompanied by any problem breathing, persistent vomiting, decrease of urine output, severe headache or fever doesn’t respond to anti-fever medication – you need to go take your child to doctor’s office or emergency room for evaluation as soon as possible.
Any baby less than one month with fever needs to be evaluated by physician immediately.

Baby 6-12 months with uncomplicated fever (not showing any sign of distress, feeding, sleeping well, fever is responding to treatment) needs to be evaluated in 24 hours.
Any toddler or older child with fever that is not resolving in 3 days or accompanied by rash, severe cough, vomiting, decreased urine output, sore throat, severe headache needs to be evaluated.
Remember-those are guidelines only. You can NEVER do wrong having your child evaluated.
What is a dosage of medication for fever?
- Ibuprofen(Advil, Motrin): 10 mg/kg (4 mg/lb) up to every 6 hours. Children’s ibuprofen is 100 mg/tsp. Double check the concentration. Ibuprofen is not recommended for children under 6 months of age.
- Acetaminophen (Tylenol): 15 mg/kg (6.5 mg/lb) up to every 4 hours. Use children’s Tylenol that is 80 mg/tsp (not drops that are more concentrated). Always double check the concentration!
Can I use both Tylenol and Advil?
Yes you can. If you give a dose of Ibuprofen and fever doesn’t decrease or comes back before its time for another dose you can give a dose of Tylenol. Use only recommended doses and only for limited time. If your child is comfortable and has a fever you can just observe the child without administering a medicine. Reason for antipyretic medicine is to make child more comfortable not to ”treat” the fever.
What is a dangerous level of fever?
There is no such thing. Fever is not going to cause any permanent damage….but infection can. Therefore if your child is acting sick you should arrange for him or her to be seen by physician regardless how high (or low) the fever is.
What else I can do for fever?
Cool down the child by undressing your child and giving him or her a child cool drink. Do not bundle up the child! If the fever is too high or the child refuses to take medicine (or cannot keep it down) sponge the child with cool or lukewarm water and let the water evaporate. You should not put the child in the bathtub. Do not use rubbing alcohol!