Children with ADHD are typically diagnosed between 6 and 12 years of age. They show signs of inattention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity in specific ways. This makes it difficult to function at school, at home, and/or in social situations. Untreated ADHD in teenagers increases risk of car accidents and high-risk behavior.

Inattention cay by seen in the following actions:

  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Daydreaming
  • Inability to listen
  • Easily distracted from work or play
  • Does not seem to care about details, makes careless mistakes
  • Does not follow through on instructions or finish tasks
  • Is disorganized
  • Loses a lot of important things
  • Forgets things
  • Does not want to do things that require ongoing mental effort

Hyperactivity cay be seen in the following actions:

  • Cannot stay seated
  • Squirms and fidgets
  • Talks too much
  • Runs, jumps and climbs when this is not permitted
  • Cannot play quietly

Impulsivity can be seen in the following actions:

  • Acts and speaks without thinking
  • May run into the street without looking for traffic first
  • Has trouble taking turns
  • Cannot wait for things
  • Calls out answers before the question is complete
  • Interrupts others

JJ Pediatrics can help.

If you think your child may have ADHD or be showing signs of ADHD, please contact JJ Pediatrics for evaluation.

Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) resources for children in Arizona.

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (CHADD)

CHADD provided evidence-informed courses and support with tools and resources for ADHD.